In 2020, I had the opportunity to direct a captivating music video Anthropic for Hilang Child.
Undertaking this project was a challenge in itself, primarily due to the complexity of the editing process. We aimed to create a seamless visual experience by filming several tricks and meticulously aligning them for smooth transitions between skaters.
During the post-production phase, we embarked on experimentation and discovered the striking visual effect of reversing some of the footage. The backwards motion of the skaters added an intriguing dimension to the video. Inspired by this revelation, we decided to re-edit the sequence in reverse and juxtapose it with the regular forward-playing footage using a split-screen technique.
As the edit progressed, a remarkable synchronisation occurred. Towards the end, the two videos seamlessly merged, perfectly timed to coincide with the crescendo of the song. The culmination of the visual elements and the musical climax created a truly captivating moment.